A Cognitive Research on the Bilingual Study

The French-American Education System

The French-American schools in Chicago (EFAC) aim to teach academic, linguistic and cultural lessons in French. These schools are associated with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) system. EFAC brings together the best of lessons from the French and American education systems. They build a unique learning environment helping students to acquire knowledge from two different systems. The dual program or the bilingual study combines language and cultural skills required to compete in the diverse world arena.

The bilingual study of French schools in Chicago gives students a global perspective. The curriculum involves teaching in English and French in an interesting way. This gives a challenging experience satisfying the high standards of the two educational systems. According to a research, young children are highly capable of learning a second language, and such bilingual students top the performance.

Global Expedition

Middle school children from French schools in Chicago make linguistic trips around the world to have valuable cultural and linguistic trips. Such unique trips are filled with knowledge sharing experiences satisfying the mission and values of the schools. The goal of the curriculum defines an in-depth commitment to become proficient in French and English. Students set forth to achieve this goal with confidence and pride in their capabilities. Most countries and cities speak more than one language, in the US, one out of five speak a second language other than English. Bilingual education can be a parameter for defining productive life in this 21st century. This is considered a necessity nowadays.

There is a steady increase in the population of bilingual or multilingual when compared to monolingual. This facilitates cross-cultural interaction and positively impacts the cognitive abilities of people. Bilingual personalities have better capabilities and eye-for-detail. The brain can easily inhibit one language while using the other. It creates a positive impact for both extreme ends of the age factor. Bilingual children easily adjust to surroundings, whereas, bilingual adults/seniors not so cognitive.

 Benefits of Bilingual System of Education

According to a research, apart from student interest to learn a new language, there are multiple benefits of being bilingual, which are as follows:

        Bilingual children have great sense of attention-to-detail
        They cannot be distracted easily
        They can swap from one task to the other rapidly
        They demonstrate high empathy while interacting with others
        They outperform monolingual students in reading and tests
        They are strong in functional skills
        They are not so much prone to Alzheimer’s disease

The world is encompassed with language almost everywhere and in every moment of lives. Language is used to convey thoughts and feelings. It helps to connect with the community and socialize, attach to the culture and tradition, and to understand the world better. And for most of the population in the world, this linguistic environment is bilingual or multilingual.


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